Heloo Guys :)

look at my blog and find lots of tips for the girls ..
not just girls who can enjoy, but boys also can ..
enjoy it, guys :)

BADMOOD ? jauh" deh !

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Seusia kita, yaitu Remaja, sering banget didatangi yang namanya Badmood..Badmood bisa dateng kpn aja.
Setauku, badmood adalah sesuatu yg terjadi pada diri kita yang nggak pas sama hati / kemauan kita.
Penyebab badmood di kalangan remaja ini banyak sekali..contohnya : diputusin pacar, sms pacar tapi nggak dibales-bales, dimarahin ortu dan guru gara" nilai jelek, ada masalah sama temen kita sndiri, dan khusus perempuan biasanya mau didatangin "tamu" spesial tiap bulan.
Sebenarnya, badmood bisa di atasi asalkan kita bisa mengendalikan emosi.
Tips" lainnya biar badmood pergi yaitu : ndengerin lagu favorit, ngelakuin hobby kita, tidur, makan coklat (soalnya coklat punya zat tertentu biar kita jdi good mood), dan ngelakuin hal tertentu yang bisa muasin hati kita sendiri.
Akibat kalo kita bad mood bisa d jauhin temen" lho,, soalnya kita sering cemberut dan bisa marah jika temen kita nggajak bergurau dgn kita.
So , Guys, kali ini , aku menyimpulkan : selagi kita lgi bad mood, kita harus bisa mengendalikan emosi..jangan biarkan emosi kita meledak, bisa" gk punya temen..mau gk d jauhin temen" ?

goodBye Marco Simoncelli :(

Sunday, October 23, 2011

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, SEPANG - Marco Simoncelli tewas akibat kecelakaan  di Sirkuit Sepang, Malaysia, Minggu (23/10/2011). Dokter dari pihak tim medis MotoGP, menyatakan penyebab kematian adalah sejumlah luka serius di kepala, leher dan dada.
Direktur tim medis MotoGP, Michele Macchiagodena mengatakan pembalap Tim Honda Gresini itu tak sadar saat anggota tim medis menjemputnya di lintasan balap. Mereka memberikan pertolongan pertama berupa CPR (napas buatan) baik di mobil ambulans maupun selama 45 menit di pusat medis MotoGP. Namun upaya itu tak mampu menyelamatkan Simoncelli.
"Akibat tabrakan hebat saat balapan oleh pembalap lain, dia dilaporkan mengalami luka serius di kepala, leher dan dada," kata Macchiagodena dikutip Eurosport.
Saat tiba di pusat medis dia segera diberi pertolongan dengan intubasi (pemasangan selang napas) dan bisa mengeluarkan darah dari rongga dada.
"Sayangnya itu tidak bisa menolongnya dan pada 16.56 kami mengumumkan dia telah tiada," ujar sang dokter.
Direktur Balapan, Paul Butler mengatakan kecelakaan akan diinvestigasi. Barter menyampaikan simpati mendalam kepada keluarga Simoncelli. "Kami ingin menyampaikan penghormatan kepadanya," ujar Barter.

HISTORY of The Body Shop ^^

Sunday, October 16, 2011



In the early 1970s, Anita Roddick (then Anita Perilli) visited a shop in Berkeley, California selling naturally-scented soaps and lotions called The Body Shop. The Berkeley Body Shop run by Peggy Short and Jane Saunders used natural ingredients, and helped to employ and train immigrant women. The Body Shop name was a clever pun, as the original Berkeley store was opened in a converted auto body shop, C.J.’s Old Garage on Telegraph Avenue.
The natural, environmentally-minded and intimate cosmetics shop inspired Anita Roddick to open her own shop back in the UK in 1976. In 1987, Roddick purchased the naming rights from the original Body Shop. From its first launch in the UK in 1976, The Body Shop experienced rapid growth, expanding at a rate of 50 percent annually. Its stock was floated on London's Unlisted Securities Market in April 1984, opening at 95p. After it obtained a full listing on the London Stock Exchange, the stock was given the nickname "The shares that defy gravity," as its price increased by more than 500%.
But the opening of Roddick's first modest shop received early attention when the Brighton newspaper, The Evening Argus, carried an article about an undertaker with a nearby store who complained about the use of the name "The Body Shop."
In March 2006, The Body Shop agreed to a £652.3 million takeover by L'Oréal. It was reported that Anita and Gordon Roddick, who set up The Body Shop 30 years previously, made £130 million from the sale.
Following her death in 2007, Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid tribute to Dame Anita, calling her "one of the country's true pioneers" and an "inspiration" to businesswomen. He said: "She campaigned for green issues for many years before it became fashionable to do so and inspired millions to the cause by bringing sustainable products to a mass market. She will be remembered not only as a great campaigner but also as a great entrepreneur."
The Body Shop turned increasingly toward social and environmental campaigns to promote its business in the late-80s. In 1997, Roddick launched a global campaign to raise self-esteem in women and against the media stereotyping of women. It focused on unreasonably skinny models in the context of rising numbers in bulimia and anorexia.
There was a media controversy surrounding claims that L'Oréal continues to test on animals, which contradicts The Body Shop's core value of Against Animal Testing. L'Oréal states the company has not tested cosmetics on animals since 1989 (but still continues to test new ingredients on animals) . Roddick addressed it directly in an interview with The Guardian, which reported that "she sees herself as a kind of "trojan horse" who, by selling her business to a huge firm, will be able to influence the decisions it makes. Suppliers who had formerly worked with the Body Shop will in future have contracts with L'Oréal, and working with the company 25 days a year Roddick will be able to have an input into decisions."


Did you know that plastic trash kills thousands of seabirds and sea animals like whales, turtles and seals every year? Plastic bags take up to 1000 years to decompose, just so a human can have a few minutes of convenience.
In honor of the sea turtle and his kin, I created this lens to help people get out of the plastic bag habit and walk more lightly on the earth. There's a growing movement of individuals, retailers, cities and nations working to reduce the plastic bag plague. Join us!

Refuse to take it
When they try to bag your items - refuse the bag. Cashiers are programmed to keep the line moving and don't always stop to ask if you need a bag, they just stuff your stuff in one. Hand back the bag and then explain why you don't want it. If you want a little help spreading the word about the impact of plastics on our environment, hand them one of my "No Plastic Bag cards". PDF at this link.
Recycle it
If you live in a city that recycles plastic bags, put them in your bin. Even if your city doesn't take them yet, most large grocery stores have bag recycling bins near their front doors. But don't be lulled into thinking recycling the bags gets us off the hook. The recovered plastic is not going to be converted into new packaging. Most recovered plastic packaging is made into things like textiles, parking lot bumpers and plastic lumber - all unrecyclable products. Recycling plastic bags does not reduce the use of virgin materials or the energy it takes to manufacture them. It only temporarily keeps it out of the landfill.
Ask for a cash credit
Ask your local store to offer a cash credit if you bring in your own bags. The Reusable Bags site (see below) has a sample letter to send to stores you frequent. Many Trader Joes stores have a monthly raffle for reusable bag users. Ask for a ticket when you check out and you might win a 25.00 gift certificate. Earthfare credits 5 cents for each bag toward a different local charity each month. It adds up to thousands of dollars over the course of a year and generates goodwill toward the store. Let your stores know about these and other creative ways to change consumer behavior.
Educate yourself
Educate yourself about the greater risks to our health, both personal and national, from plastic.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm confused
confused to write anything

CRAZY @___@ by : AndrewGarcia

crazy cus I'm falling in love
falling deeply in love with you
yeah, it's so damn true
friend say I'm outta my mind
that I shouldn't be with you
but they don't understand

the way I feel for you
is unlike any otherthing
I've ever felt before
but they don't understand
that I'm not CRAZY
i'm just the man
searching for reasons to find you
over and over again
I'm not CRAZY, I'm just the man
I'm doing everything that i can